Not too long ago someone called me an athlete. To be fair, it was a trainer trying to convince me that I needed him for regular massages. I’m not sure if he would have done it otherwise. But he did get me thinking, am I an athlete?
I participate in athletic events, does that make me athletic? I am a triathlete, does that also make me an athlete? Is there a difference between being athletic, participating in athletic events, and an athlete?
I did some research, and found little distinction. In fact, most of the definitions cross referenced each other. In reality it doesn’t matter to me, I just want to know if I can label myself an athlete.
When I started this entry a month or so ago I wasn’t comfortable calling myself an athlete. I then decided that if I finished the Vineman HIM I could use the label. Well that race has come and gone, and I’m still not comfortable. Maybe it’s because it feels like bragging, “I’m an athlete and you’re not.”
Perhaps it isn’t enough just to finish the race, but to do so within some arbitrary time constraint. Maybe there is another race that simply finishing will be enough, or maybe it has nothing to do with racing at all. I don’t know if it will be an aha moment, or something that will come to me over time.
I do know this: today I don’t consider myself an athlete. I hope to qualify someday, and at that time I will wear the label proudly!
Well, I've watched your progress and to me you are an athlete, an amateur one, but nontheless an athlete. I understand your concern about some folks considering it bragging so it is not something I would wear accross your chest, but you can think of yourself as one and people who know what you do will think of you as one too.