Friday, February 11, 2011

New training zones

Back in December I did a field test for all three events.  This was just after coming off my off-season break, and I remember feeling slow and sluggish.  Looking at the zones that coach assigned me I wasn’t all that slow.

Since then I’ve been working hard, staying more focused on each workout.  Instead of just “doing the workout”, I’ve attacked each one with the mindset that this workout will make me stronger and faster.  I think it is working!

My run field test was a two mile run, with negative splits.  My average pace was 7:07.  Last weekend my 5K pace was 6:45, a full 20+ seconds faster at a longer distance.  Discussing this with coach, we agreed that we would drop my running paces after my race next weekend.

While discussing this, I pointed out that I’ve consistently been hitting the upper end of my zones on my bike as well.  She set up a new set of zones for the bike, and I used them for the first time this week.  I smoked this workout as well, hitting the upper end of my new zones!  I think I’ll wait a couple of weeks and then ask for another update.

Swimming is swimming – my least favorite of the three events.  I can tell that I’m getting faster, but it is harder to quantify with the workouts I’ve been getting.  This one will take another field test, something I’m less than excited about, but a necessary step towards my end goal.

Right now I’m feeling very strong and fast, especially on the run.  I’m actually believing that I can push harder on the bike, and still finish stronger on the run than last year.  It is just six weeks until my first triathlon this season and my first real test.  Then we find out how strong and fast I really am!

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